WBCSD北美 helps businesses in the United States, Canada and 墨西哥 build the infrastructure for a better world through climate, 自然, 公平诉讼. Our headquarters in New York City – the financial capital of the world and home to some of the world’s most significant financial institutions – places our North American office in the center of the global economy.

Drawing on the expertise of over 50 member corporations in North America and our regional partners, 我们带来了我们的平台, 网络, and expertise to accelerate the required transformation of businesses, 他们的价值链, 以及它们运行的系统, 限制气候危机的影响, 恢复自然, 解决不平等问题.


    North America is often considered to be the breadbasket of the world, due to its large and productive agricultural regions. The United States and Canada are two of the world's leading producers and exporters of wheat, 玉米, 大豆, 和其他作物. Additionally, United States trade with Canada and 墨西哥 totaled a record $1.2022年78万亿美元. The size of the United States, Canadian, and Mexican markets is also significant. The three countries combined have a GDP of over $20 trillion and a population of over 500 million people, 缔造美国, 墨西哥, and Canada the largest free trade agreement in the world by GDP and the second largest by population. 

    尽管有这些优势, climate change is causing more extreme weather events, which are damaging crops and disrupting agricultural production. 水 scarcity is also a growing problem in some parts of North America, 使得灌溉农作物变得更加困难, 是什么导致了收益率下降.

    The energy transition is also impacting communities across the region whose economies have relied on the tax base that fossil fuel companies have provided for over a century. 

    随着各国政府, 公民社会, and businesses begin to address the impact of climate on the economy, it is essential that they put 自然 and people at the center of their efforts. This means ensuring that natural resources are protected and that no one or community is left behind in the transition to a more sustainable and equitable economy.


    North America is home to some of the largest and most successful businesses in the world that have a significant impact on the global economy – the region accounts for over 27 percent of global GDP. The private sector in North America is known for its high levels of innovation and represents the forefront of innovation on the global stage. This is due in part to the region’s strong intellectual property protection laws, which encourage businesses to invest in research and development.

    The private sector in North America has the potential to be a powerful force in addressing the interconnected crises of climate, 自然损耗, 日益严重的不平等. WBCSD北美 works with our members to accelerate the innovation needed to tackle these challenges in a manner that creates new market opportunities by addressing these issues.

    Together, our work is helping to shape the future of our economy and society.


    WBCSD北美’s community of business leaders are empowered to deliver action at speed and scale in their operations and value chains and sharpen the accountability of their performance.

    The collective voice of our members is shaping policy to transform the systems in which we work:

    • 正规博彩十大网站排名 are driving progress within their businesses through the exchange of best practices and trends across different expertise and sectors.
    • 通过我们提供的教育, and through standards and protocols supported by tools and technology, our members are improving their performance and sustainability competence.
    • 正规博彩十大网站排名 and external partners are coming together to form partnerships, 联盟和加速大规模变革. 

    与我们的会员一起, WBCSD北美 is transforming the systems in which we work, 一块块地, 迈向美好未来.

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