评估 & 管理绩效

评估自然, social 和 human capital alongside financial capital provides more meaningful information to build better decisions, driving value creation for business, 社会, the environment 和 - ultimately – capital providers.

We’re exploring performance management practices that build long-term business success, identifying weaknesses in current systems 和 looking at new ways of solving today’s performance management challenges.

这项工作与我们的工作密切相关 企业风险管理治理和内部控制的方式 项目.


    The business l和scape is changing. Environmental 和 social risks account for most of the top global risks in terms of impact 和 likelihood, 和 up to 80% of a company’s value is intangible such as research, 创新, 技术, 的关系, entrepreneurial 和 managerial skills 和 access to environmental resources.


    Performance assessment 和 management - the way companies gather, process 和 act on information - must respond 和 change in the current l和scape. Businesses can no longer solely focus on financial information to assess their performance. Performance management must drive long-term business success 和 value creation.


    We help businesses create 和 realize sustainable, competitive strategies by improving corporate performance management practices. Accelerating the transition to a sustainable world through decision-making based on integrated processes 和 information, related to people (resources 和 的关系), processes (planning 和 evaluation) 和 systems (infrastructure 和 cont的方式).

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